Sunday, January 10, 2010

cleaning a kitchen

I wish the previous tenant had done more than a cursory wipe of the counters. Yesterday was a glorious day outside- sunny but windy, so I was glad to be inside, in the new place with lots of sunshine flooding in. The owner was there doing paint touch up - builders white, ugh! I cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned. Three hours on the kitchen! still can't get all that sticky off the bottom shelves and drawers. LARGE bottle of goof off purchased, I'll spend some time today doing that.

Heard from Chief - wheels going up. Where he is now... dunno.

Was going to go to the commissary yesterday afternoon, drove by - they were parking on the street, the entire parking lot was jammed.. so I'll be heading there this morning. Going to be a busy busy day again. Can't wait for the end of the month. Husband home, moved into a new place, the old place cleaned - and maybe a chance to just sit around in my jamies and watch TV with the cat in my lap. sigh... heaven.

Take care everyone, enjoy your Sunday.



Jennifer said...

Wheels up! Wooooo Hooooooo!

Boo for sticky kitchens and crowded commissaries.

Yay for light filled homes during the dreary days of winter.

And yay to Sunday mornings in your jammies with husband and kitty. It's almost here!

Ellen said...

Nothing worse than other people's dirt. Ick. But those are pretty countertops!

mpoppins said...

I have been a silent reader of your blog for a week now. Am enjoying reading it immensely! Didn't know there were other liberal Army wives around.

liberal army wife said...

mpoppins - there are quite a few of us. Go to - we actually have our own group page!