Thursday, March 01, 2007


It's snowing again, but this time it's sideways! blowing like crazy and piling up quickly I'm very glad I stayed home today. Brought work home, thinking ahead for a change. Just went out for some wood for the little woodstove, and was really glad I had the guy dump it just outside the back door. Almost got blown off my feet.

otherwise... not much. trying my new glasses, and I feel like my eyes are being rotated! this is the second pair, the first were completely wrong, and I'm beginning to think these are too. getting a bit cranky about this.

JJ the cat (full name: J. Bertram Feline... hey, not my idea! ) has discovered cat nip. Last night he was stoned! I am trying to get him to use a new scratching pad, and put a little bit of catnip on it. He hasn't scratched it just rubbed himself over it, and licked it... and is just goofy. Even the dog is staring at him, she can't believe it either.

stay safe, stay warm, and if you are in this area... Stay Home!



Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Yeah its up over my knees on my back porch and its STILL SNOWING at noon on Friday........loverly

Anonymous said...

I'm just hoping for rain right now. I can't possibly imagine a blizzard.

Stay warm!

Megan said...

Where'd the news on Kiley come from!? And what's your email addy!?