Sunday, October 26, 2008
ow ow... or how we walked the MCM 10K
But for me, more than anyone else, was the little (if she was 5 foot, I'd be surprised) older lady, stooped and fragile seeming woman (I think she was at least 65) who ran/walked the 10K... Amazing woman - who ran the Portland Marathon 2 weeks ago! I lost her in the crowd at the end, I would have loved to get a picture of her and find out her name.
A great end of the strangest week...
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Acorn - Sproul - which is worse?
McCain Campaign paid Republican operative accused of voter fraud.
I remember Mr. Sproul's group in Minnesota. They wanted to make sure I as a military spouse was signed up, till I told them I was a Democrat. I don't know who hung up faster! Now Senator Obama, when a lawyer and before beginning his Presidential run, may have defended Acorn, but has anyone tied the Obama campaign AT PRESENT to Acorn with money? If so, please show me, I really am interested in knowing. if not... Senator McCain's $175,000.00 to Sproul's group is kinda up-ing the ante.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
PFC Hunter Levine - One of ours needs a hand
Monday, October 20, 2008
Tell me why...
But what do the families with young children do, when the phone shrills at that time? For a second, I was disoriented - and the deployment thoughts started - until I rolled over and handed the phone to him. I can just imagine the crying from the baby, or the MOM, I'm UP!! calls from the toddlers... no more sleep for anyone in the house...
The day got worse... I decided that since I was up, I'd go to work early, since I had to leave early for MRIs... so I walk out of the bathroom ... and the cat has just urped ALL OVER the bedspread, which soaked through to the blankets and sheets - mackerel with tuna sauce and the teaspoon of milk I let him have from my cereal bowl this morning. So - no work early, just washing this monster bedspread - and then the rest of the sheets/blanket.
Got to work - the internet at work was down. Hard to research or get in touch with other firms... Then the hospital called - one of the MRI machines was down. I still got it done, matter of fact I got there early and they had cancelled a few others so I got in early - and was so damned tired, I put the headphones on and they put on some relaxing music - and I slept!
Got home early and now.. I'm hoping all the bad Juju is gone. Cause I'm done!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Marine Corps 10K walk/run
Friday, October 17, 2008
Palin and the scary people
He actually wants to be a citizen of the world. So do I! Because America is not and shouldn't be an insular, moated country, that wants to keep everyone out - just go to the infamous WalMart - most of the goods are made overseas! Our oil - from overseas. and no, we can't drill our way out of this, if you actually READ the facts, you'll see that it would take too long to get anything out of any fields in Alaska or offshore, and we still wouldn't make up the deficit. Our economy is tied to the world economy, just take a look at the last couple of weeks, or don't they READ anything besides Rash Lamebrain and his ilk... even Faux News has been reporting on the worldwide economic crisis....
Patriotism shouldn't be blind. I'm very proud of being an American, of being the child of a man who served his country as a Coastie, and as a State Dept. officer; of being the wife of a man who has and is still serving his country in uniform; of being the mother of a man who served his country in uniform; of being the mother in law of a woman who served her country in uniform; of being the daughter in law of the man who served his country in uniform.. BUT I see her problems, her bad side as well as her good side. and for some reason, for that - I'm told I'm a traitor and a few other things as well... Being blind to faults in a country (or a human being) doesn't make you a patriot, it just makes you pathetic.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Maryland Renaissance Festival - a Rogues day
Here's their website.
and here are a couple of the boys. The pipers are both World Champions and members of the best pipe band in North America.
Virtual Veteran's Day
Go here and read!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
From BlueStar Families for Obama
Blue Star Families Launch Video: Why We are Pro-Military, Pro-Obama
Blue Star Families for Obama launched a video today that articulates why Senator Barack Obama can count on military families for their votes on November 4th .
The video features eight military spouses who share their reasons for voting for Sen. Obama over Sen. McCain. One Blue Star family member shares: McCain claims to work for us. His actions don’t always agree. He campaigned against the new GI Bill, Voted against troop safety equipment, against vets health care, has a 20 percent rating from the Disabled American Vets.
Another Blue Star adds: Barack Obama shows he understands today's military. Obama will help reservists and military families, and he’s frontlined mental health care, co-sponsored the GI Bill.
As Cindy McCain and Governor Sarah Palin leverage their Blue Star status to parlay votes for Senator John McCain, BSF4O has been actively educating and informing the military community on why Sen. Obama is the right presidential candidate and would make the best Commander in Chief for our country.
BSF4O is a grassroots organization created by Army and Marine spouses who have a Pro-Military, Pro-Obama message. As a membership organization, BSF4O communicates with thousands of military family members through outreach programs and is active in 24 states.
Never before has the military family community shown their overwhelming support for the Democratic candidate. BSF4O are inspired and impressed by Sen. Obama’s voting record and support of Veterans and the military family community. They also believe that Sen. Obama projects the most attractive American values across our country and our globe.
For more information on BSF4O and to view their video, visit .
For the Cat Lovers Everywhere
Simon and the cat dinner.
For a chuckle...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The AUSA and everything else
After a LONG day walking the AUSA Expo I went to PetSmart to do my stint with the kitties and their boxes, and there was a wonderful end to the Tuesday - my first farewell to a cat leaving for his new "forever home". Ricky, a sweet, friendly, affectionate tabby who had been dumped on us by some nasty woman who claimed her new fiance was allergic to him, was carted off to his new wonderful life with his new mommies, their cat and dog. - and is presently being spoiled, petted, and loved by them - a real UP moment! If anyone in the DC area wants a new cat - there are some wonderful ones being taken care of by Fancy Cats Rescue at PetSmart in the area... give me a yell!
On Wednesday DH rode in a Patriot Guard Ride for a Warrant Officer being laid to rest at Arlington. I keep hoping I will be able to ride with him one day. I always admired them when I saw them in Minnesota at the National Guard funerals I attended. Particularly - the days when the high temp was 2 and the windchill was well below zero and they stood around the St. Paul Cathedral in their snowmobile suits and held the flags and honoured the fallen. It always reduced me to tears.
One note from AUSA that I won't post on PZ - I had an Obama button on my purse and despite the ragging (affectionate I think) of TechMama, I kept it on. As I walked around the Expo floor, with the seas of contractors and uniforms, I would get the look, then with some of them, I'd get a surreptitious wink or thumbs up, or a smile and nod. It was quiet, but it warmed my heart, and confirmed my suspicions that there are a lot of "closet democrats" out there in the military. After the incredible bitchiness, the vicious attacks on SisB at her blog , I'm not surprised that they stay quiet! Some of the stranger ideas I have been reading - a Poll Tax for heaven's sake - I will be SOOO glad when this election season is over.
The economy has me scared, seriously scared. The law firm I am working at is going through the usual partner pissing matches, and everyone is nervous, morale has tanked. One of the best of the young lawyers is leaving - his contract is up- talk about short sighted moves, guys. This guy worked his butt off, and got treated shabbily, he is job hunting and the market seems frozen! I'm thinking that I'll start filling out some Federal Job applications (which are such an amazing pain in the ass) and take DAYS to fill out. Who knows, I might find something better - won't pay better, but might be "safer".
On the good side at work, I got a new file - and will be able to get it properly arranged from the beginning, spent a day designing the database and now I'll be writing up the protocols for the intake and file documentation - finally I won't be inheriting a monstrous mess from someone who had no idea of how to manage a case! small things, that make a good week - all in all.
Off to book a flight to see the son, DIL and grandbaby!
Have a good long weekend. Namaste
Thursday, October 09, 2008
On the Radio - it's... ME
Friday, October 03, 2008
OK, time to get political again
She can't list what she reads? oh, c'mon, name Newsweek, Time, the Anchorage newspaper... anything! She can't list any other Supreme Court decisions? Guantanamo Bay/Torture... ringing any bells? I didn't watch the debate - but I find the winking, folksy "gorsh golly gee whizz" to be rather asinine, juvenile and patronizing of her constituency.
Has anyone else noticed that the McCain ads are mostly 3 -4 word bullet points - not a whole sentence in the lot? again, has the campaign decided that his constituents can't comprehend more than that?
I'm attaching some sites for your perusal, including a rather damning list of his REAL voting record for Veterans.