Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Counting - My way

Now that Chief is around/about/approximately/best guess less than 60 days from coming back (maybe), I'm getting a lot of "oh, it's so close, only ## days", or "well, you are in the homestretch now!" or "You must be thrilled that it's so close to being over". Well - yeah, ok. Two problems, for me, with this counting.

1. I count differently. See, to me right now, it's Thanksgiving, Anniversary (our 32nd), Christmas, New Years, still apart. OK, so I'm being negative. Sue me. In the past 8 years, we haven't had a lot of those, or any other "big days" together. Yes, I have great friends that invite me for Thanksgiving, and I'm heading to my parents for Xmas. It's just not the same.

2. The last time I started to get excited about his homecoming, we got smacked in the face with the Surge. I know, I know, I KNOW! It's not supposed to happen again and it probably won't. But - hey, it's just a feeling, it's not rational, it's silly, stupid, self defeating... blah blah....

See. Told you, I count in a whole new way.



Julie Danielle said...

My husband's first deployment went from 9 months to 15 because of the surge. There was not a day during this 2nd one that I didn't think it could happen again. I was worried until I got my 24 hour call. You never know with the military.

loqi said...

What you said about the surge made me think "once bitten, twice shy". I can totally understand why you'll never trust the "official" length of a deployment again.

I'm glad you're getting closer to being done, though, even if there are still some hard days to get through. **hugs**

kimba said...

Ugh - I'm one of those "you're in the home stretch now" folks. I'm sorry, I didn't realize it wasn't helpful. I think I even said it to Tucker a couple of times recently. Damn.

liberal army wife said...

I'm not saying I don't appreciate the "home stretch folks" and I say it myself! but... right now, I'm in THAT frame of mind, being negative I suppose, that says, yeah, I know, it's under 60 days. BUT.... I even said it to Chief when he said it. I'm superstitious. I'm too frightened to be looking forward - as Loquita put it, Once bitten.. and I've been bitten more than once!

HellcatBetty said...

I'm with ya on this one. People are already saying it's close for me... hubs doesn't even come home for LEAVE until February. NOT close. As it is the majority of the time, people really do mean well but don't realize the effect.

Lemon Stand said...

::Slides a glass of lemonade your way:: (Come on over... you know you want to...) :o)

Lemon Stand said...

Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

I don't even let myself get excited about a homecoming until he is physically on the ground back in the states. Too many things can change before he actually comes back so I feel it's safer to bank the excitement until he is in my eyesight.

And you are right - the holidays absolutely suck when the spouse is gone. It's just not the same.

You count however you want to. :)