Friday, February 27, 2009

I GIVE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All day, the Rightwing has been spewing forth - deciding that SecDef (who is A REPUBLICAN, APPOINTED BY BUSH! and was held over because in a time of war, you don't switch horses)has "lost his cojones" and is betraying the soldiers because of his decision.

DAMMIT can you people fucking READ??? the transcript very clearly says - if one of the families objects, there WILL BE NO MEDIA. How much simpler does it have to get? Did you miss English comprehension in school? So you say NO when asked. If you have the brains of a fleas ass, you have made all these decisions before your soldier deployed. Write it down, cause you might forget it. and then MAKE YOUR OWN FUCKING DECISION!

For the last umpteen years, we have been hearing Less Government Control over us.. So now we are given choice - Less Guvmint... and now you don't like it. What the fucking hell DO you want?



Cortney @ Box & Bay said...

Amen Sister. A-freaking-men!

Anonymous said...

Exactly! :)

Linda said...

people only hear what they want to hear. (or read what they want to read). Bottom line. Laziness is not an excuse for stupidity. They're too lazy to do the research.

Jennifer said...

Remember when you told me to BREATHE?


Don't let them do this to you. Their minds are closed. THEY are the ones who would throw another mil spouse under the wheels of the bus. Because, it so very clearly is all about them. Flag waving idiots.

Breathe, my friend. Don't let the bastards get you down!

Sarge Charlie said...

Sorry, your commenters have got it wrong, as you do, circus lady, that is what it will be, and it will be a shameful disgrace. Will you be happy when the New York Times spreads these heros across their front page?

sorry, some stuff is serious, not political.

Sarge Charlie said...

bty, yes i can read.

liberal army wife said...

Sarge - I respect your opinion. However, it can only be a circus if the family members allow it. If they say NO, then it's NO. This is our decision, not the government's decision, not anyone else's. If your family says no, and your soldier is coming home with mine, then there are no media photographers.