Thursday, October 28, 2010


I attended AUSA on Monday - and while it was interesting (more on that on my "other" blog) I was left with a feeling that we've heard it all before. I heard, again, that family support programs aren't going to be cut. Then on Wednesday, I get a call from the Education Center on our post - I am scheduled to take 2 exams there - but they need to reschedule because all the contractors have been let go, and the permanent staff? they are cut to 15 hours a week, down from 40! They can't proctor exams, they can't do the CLEP exams, they can barely do anything for family members and not much for the soldiers either! They have cut all but one of the counselors, and soldiers wait for hours to see him. FORGET getting counseling about future jobs/schools if you are a family member.

Appalling! absolutely Appalling.


Kristen said...

I know what you mean. I feel like there is a lot of "look at this hand with the pretty flower while I hit you with a big stick with the other hand."

Anonymous said...

I was so glad to stumble upon your blog! I was starting to think I was the only army wife that IS liberal!