Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Little Old Man Cat

It's official, JJ is an old man cat! He started acting "off" Monday evening when I got home, and on Tuesday I knew he was sick - couldn't jump up properly, was so clingy and upset, I figured he was coming down with something. Off to the Vet$$....and after lots of very expensive tests - the little guy has a heart murmur and High Blood Pressure and probably hyperthyroidism. he burst a couple of blood vessels in his eyes, so he's having a little trouble seeing, but that should go away as the blood reabsorbs. I asked why he was acting so peculiarly, according to the Vet, he must have had a monster headache! So - if you want some bizarre- go to a civilian pharmacy and get a prescription filled for blood pressure medication for a cat. Filled out a Store Card, and got his RX at a reduced price. Telling the pharmacist that no, the patient didn't need to get counseled about the side effects - cause he's a CAT!!! Priceless.

So from a rainy DC area, and with the little old man cat on my lap, talk to you later.



Emperor said...

I woulda signed up the Cat for counseling!

Lemon Stand said...

The poor thing. I would have liked to have seen the look on the pharmacist's face! And it is SNOWING up here in the Berkshires!

Oh, and you've been tagged for The Christmas List :)

Bridget said...

I'm glad he'll be OK. He looks like a real sweetie.

I know what you mean - a couple of years ago, I had to go to a pharmacy to get an RX laxative for one of our cats - boy did that pharmacist have a story to tell his family when he got home!

Anita Tedaldi said...

That's too funny.
You know our dog Monty - he's ten - is on human antidepressants....