Sunday, May 24, 2009

XPosted from Left Face

The launch for Beyond Tribute that I went to Thursday, and the Memorial Day weekend coming up, combined to bring it to the top of my list.

Beyond Tribute is - to quote one of the founders - not a charity, not an organization, it's an idea! The idea is to make the holidays that should be devoted to veterans and those who gave their lives, mean more again. To those in America who don't know anyone in the military - honestly, right now Memorial Day is the day for a good sale - and none of us will turn down a good sale! But wouldn't it be even better if the business doing that great sale on purses (that's for Pam Eggleston the purse maven, the milspouse who spoke at the launch about her life with Charles, her husband and wounded warrior) was going to contribute part of the profits from that sale to programs for vets? General Wesley Clark said at the launch that we need to transform Memorial Day and Veterans Day back into a holiday of more meaning.

So - if you haven't taken the pledge yet - go over and do it. Then send the link to the businesses you use - big and small. Send the link to your family, send the link to your friends and co-workers. Let's put the memories back into Memorial Day, and by Veteran's Day - make the rest of the country remember the veterans.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a delightful surprise meeting you at the press conference!

Karen M